Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while, but my internet was down, ( I know what you guys think, EXCUSES, EXCUSES! BUt im not lying ) & boy do I have a lot to announce, Courtney's Corner BETA is ending soon, ( & may have already ended, I haven't been able to keep track ), plus, did anyone figure out the first clue to mimo777's party? I figured out the server ( I think ) at first I thought Northern Lights, but when mimo warned that we might be being tricked, I changed my mind, & started to think maybe Southern lights? Whatever, we'll find out! So, did you enjoy the April Fools Party? I didn't get to enjoy more than 5 minutes of it, because of my stupid computer! For members, if you bought the portal box, from the box store that was at the snow forts, you know how if you put it in your igloo, & stepped inside, you went to the cool, freaky, wierd, box place? CP Team is keeping it for a while! Also, Penguin Play Awards, ending in 1-2 days, hope you guys found famous penguins, sorry that my trackers were inaccurate, I didn't have enough time to browse the web for details, because of the stupid internet. The results are in, so if you want to know, which plays won, for which awards, go to the plaza, & click the voting booth, for the results! I had no idea, that "Quest For The Golden Puffle" was such a popular play! (Personally, most of my votes, went to lots of the different plays, except the Time Travel one, I just didn't entertain myself, with some of those plays). In Other News: CP Team, posted an update about some cool surprise post only & exclusively on CP Blog on wednesday, the easter egg scavenger hunt starts friday, & there was a new clothing catalog, I'll have the cheats for that in, a little bit later, ( DARN, IT'S ANNOYING THAT THIS HAS TO WAIT, WHEN I HAVE SO MANY UPDATES TO CATCH UP ON! ) By the way, go to mimo's site, & check out the FUNNIEST PICTURE ON EARTH, it's on the main page, below some of the more recent posts, its a picture of an angry baby, A VERY ANGRY BABY, to show that he doesn't like getting updates late! LOL! Also, ( sorry last thing! ) Check out my new feature! I'll be making pages for my site now, these will be mostly URL's like a blogroll, leading to some of my pages, hope you like them, I'll be adding more, whenever I can. Stay tuned, for more updates, pics, & fun stuff later on!
~ Water Jewels