Hey guys, here is a sneak-peek for the upcoming april fools day party! Wonder what it is? We'll have more updates later so stay tuned to find out! C YA LA8TER!
Soon, I'll post the CC101 profile, of the best voted artist of CC101!
Text & Pictures, ( except for the ones from club penguin blog ) are copyright of Courtney's Corner. DO NOT use any of this site's property without permission. If you would like permission to use a PHOTO or TEXT leave a comment asking, AND WAIT FOR A REPLY in the comments before using it. Thank-you for being considerate.
~ Water Jewels
- I am serious, we have already shut-down 2 sites for not obeying copyright rules.
Tips On Finding Famous Penguins:
1. Hop from server to server, you MIGHT get lucky! 2. Check popular or almost full severs, famous penguins always attract crowds! 3. Check back on comment trackers like this one, & ones on other sites often & keep refreshing! if you find an accurate one, you could be logging off with an autographed background! 4. Umm, wait for me to come up with something?! (LOL!)
Wanna add one of these banners to your website/blog? Follow these steps! First of all, click the banner your want, you should be warped to the homepage of it's site, navigate your way to the section of the website that manages banners, & then follow the instructions to copy & paste the code into your website/blog, & boom! The banner has now been attatched to your link!
Latest Club Penguin Community Section Updates
Glitch Of The Week
Cool Glitch: Throw a snowball, & before your penguin bends down to pick it up, walk right to the spot where you were going to throw it, & bingo! A ghost just threw a snowball at your penguin! LoL. Old but classic, hope U guys like it.
-CC101 Daily Member Shout-outs!
No Members Currently! To be a member, email me at courtneyscorner101@gmail.com, to find out more about being a member of the website. I will notify you when I get your email.
Weekly Quick Tips
Quick Tip: Do U really like music, but can't put any of it into your spare time? Get together with your friends & start a band! It'll be great fun, & you might just become celebrities!
Holiday Hullabaloo
Nearest Holiday: St. Patrick's Day Date: Mar. 17, 2010 Fun Fact: Celebrate good luck & the Irish Culture, keep an eye out for rainbows & 4 leaf clovers!
Our goal so far is 100,000,000 hits!
Click a number, for instructions on how to put a web counter on your own site!
Mission Cheats
Flash Update
This is where i'll post flash updates on the little things from CC101 in case U don't get the memo. I don't have anything 2 add yet, but keep checking back every day.
CC101 Penguin Buddies
Love girl9
King Aryan
Pomerarian Love
Cookie Malt
Party Block
Party: CC101 Return Celebration Website: Club Penguin Date: Mar. 15, 2010 Room: Dock Server: Sparkle CPST (Club Penguin Standard Time, a.k.a the clock tower time): ???? Undecided
Courtney's Question Corner
No questions have been submitted, ask me anything you want in a comment on the most recent post, your question might get posted! Just do it like this,
Your Question: ??? Your Penguin Name: ??? Why You Want To Know: ??? ( optional ) JK! :D
Also, you can e-mail me your questions at courtneyscorner101@gmail.com so I can get them faster, & you can get your questions, & their answers posted later.
Contest Winners
Enter the Halloween Photography contest now! I will post the 5 finalists on Halloween!
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